Sunday 9 February 2014


Hey guys your probably wondering why I haven't posted in a while!!! It's because we coached ourselves off to London and Paris!!! GIRL it was amazing!! ✌ Totally loved it!! Thought i would do a blog post of some of the beautiful sights that caught ma eye!! 
First we traveled to London did a little sight seeing and traveling oh dear it took us SO LONG!! I bought myself some travel essentials for the coach trip to Paris which were needed so bad!! Can't go wrong with a vogue and eye mask! Got inspired for my next design collection  too scoping through this magazine! Everyone's a winner ✌ 

That night we went to the planet Hollywood which was so nice! A had pasta with Parmesan and there was a choice of burger but a don't eat beef!! They had like celeb hand prints and kiss prints on a wall.. a kissed George Clooney.. (how dya feel?!) and a huge spread of all the James bonds throughout the films which I thought was amazing!! 

Here are some snaps from that lovely meal!! We got all dolled up in sparkly outfits!! Excuse my hotel room snap but this was my outfit of the night! 

Here I am wearing a beautiful sequin embellished  skirt sparkly on the front and plain black on the back! It's from river island in the sale BARGAIN £20!! The sequins do drop off but am like a don't care!!! Still look a diva!! 

My sparkly orange top is from the Christmas Topshop sale.. As you can tell a love GLITTER!! And sparkly things :)

Finished off with a red lip and classy up do! I also wore a massive fluffy white jacket from rare London at a bargain price of £15 get yourself on that website girls! You won't regret it!!! 

The Paris post is coming right up!!! Don't miss out till next time mi lovelies ✌😜😘

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