Last week it was my birthday and my boyfriend had already planned to take me to London for the weekend. We had booked to see the Alexander McQueen exhibition which was absolutely AMAZING! it was far too much for my eyes to take in i didn't want to leave! i had wanted to see the savage beauty exhibition for such a long long time and this is the last time it will be exhibited so i could not miss out!
However i couldn't take any pictures which was really disappointing but il never forget how amazing his work is and just how overwhelming it was.
Me and chris both stayed in the Apex hotel at Tower hill near the Tower Bridge which was beautiful! The view from our window was so nice you could see absolutely everything. We will definitely be visiting there again! anyway...
we did all the sight seeing, tower bridge, London eye, Big Ben and all that jazz!
we got up super early the next day and did it all before 11am!!
We only went for one night but it was the best weekend ever i got super spoiled here are some pictures of our weekend!
When i first stepped into the bathroom i saw the elegies toiletries and i knew then that this was going to be a great stay here. They had the elegies lip revive which is amazing for dry lips, the eyes awake eye gel which is so soothing when your tired in a morning. shower gel, hand and body cream, soap and shampoo. On the bed side table we also had the quiet mind pillow spray which is so so good i can't even begin to explain!
The elemis silent mind pillow spray was the best thing ever it made me have such a great night sleep and since i have ran out i can't sleep without it. If you can get your hands on it id definitely recommend it.

We arrived at the V&A an hour early so we could sit and have a drink before going into the exhibition. There is a restaurant in the v&a so we sat and had a glass of process while a man played the grand piano in the centre it was so beautiful and romantic. The design of the place is stunning to just look at. I'd also not had any birthday cake this year so i had to treat myself to a big piece of carrot cake! why not!

Once the exhibition had finished we went on a lovely quiet walk back to the tower of london as the sun went down... then headed out for drinks of course!
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