Here is my first video its not amazing i know but its just to kick start the channel! any questions or suggestions please comment, thank you :-)
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Here is my first video its not amazing i know but its just to kick start the channel! any questions or suggestions please comment, thank you :-)
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Recently i have gone on a makeup spree as i haven't in quite a while! so it was about time i spent some money to add to my collection!
Here are just a few things i bought and swatches so you can see what they are like
Push glass in Nice Buzz
Matte finish - Yash
-Illamasqua Vapour
This eyeshadow is amazing either alone or blended into a nice Black/Brown smokey eye, it gives it much more warmth and colour.

-Swatches top to bottom, Yash Vapour Nice Buzz and Vanilla
-Vanilla pigment
Vanilla is such a versatile product as goes for any pigment. You can use it for so many things, it can be used as a highlight for brows , cheeks and eyeshadow. Pigments can also be mixed into clear nail varnish to create your custom colour.
Here i am wearing on the eye - mac Vanilla pigment as highlight on brow, underneath select cover up concealer in NC15 with paint pot in pinterly patted on top to grab hold of the eyeshadow, i then have Vapour blended with give me sun MSF, then blended with M3,M2,M5,M6 and M1 from the smash box full exposure palette. On the lid i have two Dior eyeshadows blended together ( which i don't have the name of sorry) with smash box S3 pigment patted on top. (wet)
Smash box studio finish primer to start. I have used mac studio sculpt foundation mixed with Dior star as i love the finish Dior star gives but due to red cheeks i just need a little more coverage, i also have on prep and prime in Radiant rose and give me sun MSF bronzer with too faced chocolate bronzer to add a little more brown as give me sun has a little orange tone.
Stripdown liner with Yash and Nice buzz Pushglass.
Dipdown - Mac
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Last week it was my birthday and my boyfriend had already planned to take me to London for the weekend. We had booked to see the Alexander McQueen exhibition which was absolutely AMAZING! it was far too much for my eyes to take in i didn't want to leave! i had wanted to see the savage beauty exhibition for such a long long time and this is the last time it will be exhibited so i could not miss out!
However i couldn't take any pictures which was really disappointing but il never forget how amazing his work is and just how overwhelming it was.
Me and chris both stayed in the Apex hotel at Tower hill near the Tower Bridge which was beautiful! The view from our window was so nice you could see absolutely everything. We will definitely be visiting there again! anyway...
we did all the sight seeing, tower bridge, London eye, Big Ben and all that jazz!
we got up super early the next day and did it all before 11am!!
We only went for one night but it was the best weekend ever i got super spoiled here are some pictures of our weekend!
When i first stepped into the bathroom i saw the elegies toiletries and i knew then that this was going to be a great stay here. They had the elegies lip revive which is amazing for dry lips, the eyes awake eye gel which is so soothing when your tired in a morning. shower gel, hand and body cream, soap and shampoo. On the bed side table we also had the quiet mind pillow spray which is so so good i can't even begin to explain!
The elemis silent mind pillow spray was the best thing ever it made me have such a great night sleep and since i have ran out i can't sleep without it. If you can get your hands on it id definitely recommend it.

We arrived at the V&A an hour early so we could sit and have a drink before going into the exhibition. There is a restaurant in the v&a so we sat and had a glass of process while a man played the grand piano in the centre it was so beautiful and romantic. The design of the place is stunning to just look at. I'd also not had any birthday cake this year so i had to treat myself to a big piece of carrot cake! why not!

Once the exhibition had finished we went on a lovely quiet walk back to the tower of london as the sun went down... then headed out for drinks of course!
Monday, 25 May 2015
☆ Monthly favourites ☾
- MAY -
Each month i have decided to now do a monthly favourites post just so i can share with you guys the products I'm using and loving at the minute and any products that are new to me and my thoughts on them!
This month i have gone on a massive mad spending spree because i pretty much ran out of EVERYTHING! as you do.. this tends to happen like every 3 months and then i end up spending a FORTUNE! but if it lasts me a while i don't mind spending that little bit extra for the quality of the product.
This post is a mixture of haircare cosmetics and fragrances very random as i think you will find that is me but I'm sure you will get used to that. anyway...

These are the products i have been absolutely loving! i couldn't say a bad word about any of them they are all so so good.
first of all I'm going to start with the moisturiser.
I have oily to combination skin which means moisturisers aren't always my friend even iff they are oil free because they just make my skin oily even when it does get dry.
Origins is a brand I've recently discovered as it is right across our counter at work so when its a little quiet my eyes do have a wonder over and i have heard such good reviews about their products and the smell was enough to make me buy it anyway i could literally just eat this.. however that wouldn't be a great idea!
This little beauty is an energy boosting moisturiser that is oil free and it smells like ORANGES! wow.. just wow it's like a super fresh boots for the skin. It Hydrates without leaving the skin oily.. TAH DAAHH.. thats a first. lets just say this moisturiser made my life complete. I also got a 75ml tub for the price of a 50ml tub as it is a limited edition one! price - £25.00
Mac cosmetics Paint pot in Painterly.. i don't give this product enough credit that is why i felt like i needed to include this even though use it all the time! this is the secret to blending eyeshadow it makes it blend much smoother a lot easier and it gives you a blank canvas to work from. It also lasts absolutely ages this pot is only £17 and I've had it since October and we are now on may.. nearly in June.. and i use it every single day near enough it just does not go down!!!
Everyone loves a good perfume.. i like to purchase one every so often so that my collection doesn't go down too much. Boots in Meadowhall had an offer on so i just couldn't resist! 75ml for the price of 30ml! (with my staff discount too) its such a cute bottle and a lovely fragrance
Dolce is a gentle, feminine mix of white flowers, introduced by the freshness of the Neroli leaves and defined by the White Amaryllis, a South African flower used for the first time ever in scent. I usually like strong evening perfumes however i wanted a nice floral day scent that i could wear now that it is spring coming up to summer.
Speaking of Scents.. i don't know how you are with candles but i am an absolute candle freak.. i purchased three yankee candles this month but this one is my all time favourite and you can see I've used it already because i just couldn't wait! it actually smells like baked vanilla cupcakes which is a nice welcoming scent to have in my room! If your into candles or even if you want to buy a gift for someone i 100% recommend this to anyone! especially if you love cakes like me!
Its coming up to summer and if you know me you will know my nickname is casper.. i am super pale and the last thing i want is extreme dark fake tan.. well i do but i don't want it to look stupid! i also wanted something quick and easy that you can't notice the developing stage because some fake tans go from one extreme to another like ST.MORRIS. st morris is amazing for a night out but for through the week at work i don't always want to make that much effort to put it on.. This clarions fake tan is a little more pricey but so so worth it! it is £25 but its a cream which goes on easy doesn't go patchy and also washes off nicely too.. I'm literally on empty so when i purchase some more il upload before and after pictures for you guys to see.. i wasn't surprised that this was good because i do love Clarins products the quality is great.
If you haven't yet noticed the priming industry whether it be lip primers, face primers, eyeshadow primers or even hair primers!! yes hair primers!!! (which i will be doing a post on very soon) is absolutely massive! There are so many out there that do so many different things for you depending on your skin type you are definitely going to find one to suit you. If you haven't yet keep looking girl don't give up!! My usual everyday primer is usually professional by benefit cosmetics because i have such big pores its unreal and i need to hide them get them away!! well cover at least.. professional was the only one that hid my pores however this is the original smash box primer which is oil free ( which i need, you will too if you have oily skin) fills in the pores covering them but it also leaves a matte finish. which i like even though i wear a dewy foundation.. i don't want a dewy primer and foundation because il just end up looking wet through. Which is not a good look! It makes my makeup last all day long and makes it look flawless so id definitely give this a strong 8/10 price - £25. I would say it is worth the price as you don't need much of it which means it will last you quite a while.
Last but not least a good hair care product. This is a premium brand called bumble and bumble which are so so good if you haven't tried this haircare/styling brand you need to! my hair is just screaming help at the moment with me not bleaching it anymore its like ahhh wheres my fix i NEED THE BLEACH give me the bleach! and I'm just like no! foot down no! i thought it was time to give my hair a break and go el naturel and let my roots grow a little and because it has been bleached in the past it needs a little help when blowdrying as it is really porous and literally drinks all the water. This product has made my hair so soft afterwards rather than dry and brittle.. when your hair is damp you rub a pea sized amount in your hand work through the hair and then blow dry! super easy and it doesn't make your hair greasy either.. if your hair needs some help and TLC i would definitely give this product a go.. BLONDES you know exactly what am talking about!
I will do a separate post on hair care routine and products i use pretty soon so keep readin' and i will post to you lovelies shortly xoxox
i hope this post has interested you or helped a little on product advice if you ever have any questions feel free to comment and i will answer you the best i can!
Monday, 11 May 2015
New Smashbox Full exposure palette
Yesterday i treated myself to the amazing full exposure palette by smash box.
Not just for the eyeshadow but for the brush it comes with! it is amazing i love it! if your ummming and ahhhhring about this palette its worth it just for the brush! ( i think anyway)
A lot of people compare it to the Mac 217 however i have that brush and to me its nothing like it! its much lighter and ( i find) easier to feather with. The Mac 217 is still amazing for blending but the bristles are a tiny little bit harder/harsher than the smash box full exposure brush!
The palette is so so pretty and the eyeshadows are really pigmented and great to blend with sometimes i find some eyeshadows don't blend very well even with primers but i definitely don't have this problem with these shadows.
For me personally i couldn't ask for anymore from this palette! i am also super impressed with the matt black packaging although i am worried about it getting dirty!!!! ahh not good!!
Here is a picture of the matt blending side.. this is the side i get the most use out of and the other side is for the shimmer shadows so that your not mixing, ( not that it matters) plus the bristles in the other side are much closer together and there is more of them so it makes it easier to apply the shimmer/glittery eyeshadow without it dropping everywhere!
Thursday, 26 February 2015
I get a hell of a lot of people asking me what i use on my brows so i thought it was time i did a blog post so i can share with you all! dedicating a whole post to just my brows!
first thing is i have only ever used three products on my brown EVER.
1. a pencil ( which for me is now a no no as i don't think it looks natural enough on me)
2. MUA brow pallet in the shade dark.
3. BROW ZINGS ( of course!!!! everyone and their Nannan are using this stuff! LITERALLY) in shade medium and dark ( i have two different shades)
Here are my two favorite brow products i love using and will probably never change!
i always try new things and experiment with makeup but there is one thing i don't like changing and that is my brow products! maybe in the future i will try something different but for now i will stick to these!
so from left to right i have the hard angle defined brush by benefit which is our brow brush and its so good for precision. then next we have the brow zings in medium by benefit ( as i have run out of my dark one! finally!) these babies last forever!!! i have customers coming to me who's been using this a full year and who have only just run out its amazing! and its only £24.50 you also get a small angled brow brush and rounded edge one and then a small pair of tweeters!
on the right we have the MUA pro brow palette in dark which are found in every super drug shockingly only £3!! yes £3!! and its amazing for its price! however as you can see i have used it so much it only lasts about a month but its still amazing for a cheaper alternative.. on the pictures below i am wearing the MUA pro brow palette as i have run out of my dark brow zings and the medium now looks too light on me! but i'm off to get a new one tomorrow! pay day finally yay!
i always try new things and experiment with makeup but there is one thing i don't like changing and that is my brow products! maybe in the future i will try something different but for now i will stick to these!
so from left to right i have the hard angle defined brush by benefit which is our brow brush and its so good for precision. then next we have the brow zings in medium by benefit ( as i have run out of my dark one! finally!) these babies last forever!!! i have customers coming to me who's been using this a full year and who have only just run out its amazing! and its only £24.50 you also get a small angled brow brush and rounded edge one and then a small pair of tweeters!
on the right we have the MUA pro brow palette in dark which are found in every super drug shockingly only £3!! yes £3!! and its amazing for its price! however as you can see i have used it so much it only lasts about a month but its still amazing for a cheaper alternative.. on the pictures below i am wearing the MUA pro brow palette as i have run out of my dark brow zings and the medium now looks too light on me! but i'm off to get a new one tomorrow! pay day finally yay!
so now i am about to show you how to map your brows this can also be done with a Q tip but i have used the end of my brow brush! this is how to get a perfect brow shape unique to your face to frame it and get those brows on point!
First thing is first the point where your brow should start from the outside of your nostril.. not the edge of your nose but your nostril. i am aware i look stupid with a a brush in my face but its all for you guys!! then you point the brush straight up and that is where your brow should start.. just mark it to begin with and then you can join the dots up afterwards.
2. the brow arch...
so you go from the same point again through the pupil of your eye and that is where your brow should arch.. gives you a great guideline so that you don't end up with brows right up your forehead!
you now go from the edge of your nose straight past the corner of your eye and this is where your brows should end.. see girls! its as easy as this! so don't get your knickers in a twist give it a go!.. to get the ombre fade at the front to make them look more natural all you do is take all the product of the brush give it a wipe and just blend softly making sure you use less product to begin with at your starting point! if this is still too difficult i shall create a video to help you further! hope this helps
(ps i do apologise for not looking very glam today only have tinted moisturiser on by Niva in natural.. my brows and mascara on! hence why you can see my bright red cheeks! )
one closest to my watch brow zings in medium with and without wax and then one closest to my knuckle is MUA pro brow palette in dark.
Monday, 23 February 2015
A mascara developed and designed specifically to curl your lashes with a 12 hour light weight formula to keep that curl girl!
26th of February is the official launch date for roller lash.. although i know you ELLE readers will have already tried and tested the magical thing!! were hiding it away in our draws ready to sell to you soon enough and guess what...
DEBENHAMS have MEGA WEEK ON !! which can only mean one thing.... DISCOUNTS AND GOODIES!!! CHEAPER ROLLER LASH? RRP £19.50 however 10% off its only £17.55.. at debenhams on the moor we are also giving away free goodie bags and mini makeovers when we demo the product if you come to see us!
in preparation for YOU GUYS we us benefit gals went on a HUGE benefit roller lash lorry inspired by a 50's hair salon absoolutely AMAZE just to train and get all clued up to demo this new innovating mascara from the makers of the UK'S NO.1 BEST SELLING MASCARA.
97% said it visibly lifts lashes.. 87% said it gives long lasting curl.. and 94% said eyes look more wide open!
straight lashes.. down facing lashes short lashes or just small eyes? we got it covered.
i'll admit im not looking that glam here gals but its just for you.. want to see my results?
My eyes now look more wide open.. my lashes are extremely curled and i can catch every single one with this amazing hook brush that small enough to fit my eye shape!
Take a look at what the AMAZING RYAN GOSS thinks of our mascara.. he loves is just as much as we do!

Don't worry be back!... see you soon xox
For this look i have gone for something a little more intense but still keeping that natural look.
Here i have used the Porefessional primer mixed with that gal to minimize pores but hydrate at the same time. / complexion - illamasqua rich liquid - absolute amazing coverage for those who like it thicker. / YSL Touche eclat for highlighting above the brow concealing under eye and brightening top of cheek bones with a pat of high beam. Brow Zings in medium / blush - Sugarbomb by Benefit cosmetics. / LIPS - Lip liner in Strip down & lipstick in Twig - Mac / Lip gloss Estee Lauder pure colour 25 paraline paradise shimmer./ EYES - Paint Pot by mac in Painterly, Bikini Tini Cream Shadow on lid by benefit/ crease - Swiss chocolate, Blackberry and Embark by Mac blended with thanks a latte by Benefit towards corner of the eye. Mascara - They're Real.